
Showing posts from June, 2022

The Best Remote Server Management Service

  choose the best Outsourced remote server management support? Velan fully Supports and Guide the Real-time benefits of having remote server management

Remote Bookkeeping Services

  Outsourced remote bookkeeping and accounting services for small business . Velan experts in Real Estate bookkeeping, CPA, CFO, SMSF Accounting in USA

Enterprise e-commerce solution by Velan

  Enterprise e-commerce solution by Velan for a Silicon Valley-based electronic components distributor - Velan

What is cloud migration strategy?

Surprisingly and not so surprisingly, the demand for the cloud skyrocketed in 2020 compared to 2019, even during the irrational economic decline. The most obvious reason: increased demand created by the pandemic – COVID-19, lockdowns, and work from home. The growth in the cloud continued to expand compared to other industry sectors. A lot of companies are moving their services and applications to the cloud on a daily basis, despite its challenges. Let us begin with the basics in this blog and its successors – what is cloud – what is cloud migration and what businesses stand to gain – strategies – a checklist developed by Velan for making the migration with confidence – the advantages and disadvantages of various types of the cloud. | Cloud helps you concentrate on building your services and apps; because the infrastructure will be taken care of. –  says the cloud technology. The Cloud computing market is massive and has a huge scope for further expansion. The Synergy Research Group...